Monday, June 30, 2008


this guy is such a weirdo. his name is Ross. we got a mixed room at the hostel we stayed at in Frankfurt. He came in out of nowhere prancing around in that mini towel of his. I couldn't help but laugh. a lot. then he smelled the crotch of his shorts. oh dear. such a weirdo. he went with us to the tower overseeing the city building and the whole time he was hitting on my buddy Alex, the one who works at the hostel. so Ross is quite annoying when he talks, when we were talking about language he kept on butting in and telling us the origin of words and what we are saying wrong and what things really mean. good golly. he wants to translate the German constitution to English and translate his thesis into German. who knows what his thesis is about. I didn't want to ask cuz then he would never shut up. homeboy knows a lot, but oh my, if i could, I would throw his 2 cents back at him many many times. freaking crazies.

1 comment:

Cat Tran said...

i tell you to post pictures and this is what you give me??!!